I just had to leave in the middle of the movie "NINE" by Rob Marshall.
Since Fellini's 8 1/2 is one of my favoriate movie, I just couldn't spend any more second of my time on this movie...
one of the review says
"....my guess is that Rob Marshall never saw a Fellini film in his life and if he did it was only as “research” to do this film. Nothing in “Nine” reveals any genuine affection for Fellini or the least bit of insight into his work. Where Fellini was light and subtle, Marshall is obvious and heavy-handed. Where Fellini was sexy, Marshall is crass. Where Fellini was warm and humorous, Marshall is vapid and bland. “Nine” has absolutely no sense of what made Fellini great. Fellini had a sense of magic. He found poetry in the everyday and made the grotesque beautiful. He also had wonderful, warm earthy humor. None of that is evident in “Nine.”
Italian's review :
"Non è il fatto che sia 8 e mezzo messo in musical, nè il fatto che hanno fatto una cosa all'americana che vede l'Italia come una cartolina che ritrae una cartolina di una fontana nè infine il fatto che abbiano appiattito i temi del film originale. Tutte queste cose onestamente erano prevedibili e io in una versione scanzonata, semplificata piena di frizzi e lazzi da musical di 8 e mezzo ad un certo punto ci avevo anche creduto. Avevo creduto cioè che potesse paradossalmente venire bene. Solo ora mi rendo conto di quanto fossi folle....."
I'm totally sorry for Italians...It was enough to made me terribly upset.