此の度、友人でもと某有名セレクトショップバイヤーと高野まゆみさんをパートナーに向かえ、新しいハンドバックのブランド Accession Accessoire (アクセッション アクセソワー) を立ち上げることになりました。初めてイタリアでバックを作ったときは、日本の職人さんが作る銘仙着物とイタリアの皮を合わせたものでしたが、今回はイタリアで得た感性をいかし、今回2012年春夏コレクションでは全て日本製ということにチャレンジしました。
Press Room GoodLuck
150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前2-6-6秀和外苑レジデンス306
Phone: 03-5775-7303
After I moved my base to Tokyo from Firenze, I’ve worked on different projects and seen the production in the world’s factory “China”.
Everything I see and experience there was continuous surprise. Comparing to the Italian individual craftsmanship, in China it is a pure manufacturing as they care more of productivity than the beauty of the product. Learning the production in China was fundamental in these days and it gave me a great experience in terms of understanding the mass production that I see the merit and demerit vice versa.
Now it’s hard to find the products has no tag that’s says Made in China in boutiques and departments stores. Consumers are get used to the low priced item and what I concern is they are no longer capable to see the products made by the true craftsmanship in the market and lose the sense of appreciation for well detailed products.
The client doesn’t want to pay high priced item, then material supplier naturally hesitate to make well-detailed masterwork, you need high quantity to produce in china, so naturally designer are forced to create things for everyone. It’s difficult to be creative when you need to be appreciated by numbers of people. I don’t deny mass production for everything but I definitely wonder for “everything”.
In the year of 2011, we had great tragedy on March 11 in Japan. It was certainly the most devastating experienced I have ever had and gave me different perspective in many ways.
I called up Mayumi Takano, she is ex buyer of well-known select shop in Japan and we’ve known each other since my Italian era. We talked about if we team up together, we can do something exciting!
Here I would like to announce our first handbag collection in Japan.
We named our new brand as “Accession Accessoire”.
Our goal is to create accessories that you can’t fine anywhere else and make
Ladies so special when they wear it!
Accession Accessoire 2012 SS collection *appointment only
Place: press room Good Luck
Date: Oct 26th 12:00~19:00 Oct 27th 28th 10:00~18:00
Tel: +81 (0)3 5775-7303
Contact: @ Mayumi Email/ mayu7183@tbz.t-com.ne.jp